Thursday, September 13, 2012

What to do with your old pictures:

It's that time again! A few months back I posted this and this about my family's awkward photos. I've been digging through the box of pictures again and found these little beauties:

Russ was so shocked to have his picture taken as he came out of the bathroom that his hair immediately poofed into an afro.

Orange County, California's version of "The Shining"
"Come play with us Danny, forever and ever and ever....."

What are you guys talking about!? A speedo IS the only way to run a tri-atholon!
(editor's note: Dad is NOT wearing the speedo)

My mom is yelling: " Yay! I'm in a line, and my outfit is FABULOUS!!"

Being the youngest had it's advantages, a disadvantage? Your bed was a storage tub.

"No Jessica!! You cannot add "200 cases of beer to my shopping list AGAIN! 
....I was totally tricked last time!"

The wine was no match for Aunt Heather's 'magic hands of wonder'

The bright sun caused Grandma temporary blindness and instead of aiming and shooting the fake deer, she shot a bald eagle....


  1. hahahaha...i would like to point out that while your dad was not wearing the speedo's, he was, in fact, hugging the man wearing the speedo's...

  2. He is! I think he was consoling speedo man because he thought the group was serious when they said they were going to wear them.... :))
