Monday, September 10, 2012

Everybody's working for the weekend.....

Chris and I had a superb weekend. It was spectacular. It was monumental. 
But most of all, it was FUN!!

1. Friday, we went to a surprise birthday party for a friend turning 30.  The party was supposed to be a BBQ cookout and swim party, but the rain ruined the swimming part. It was ok because we still stayed outside and enjoyed the rain while catching up:
I was happy because I saw Whitney! One of the cutest, smartest gals I know that I haven't seen in awhile. I said: "Oh, Whitney! You're so darn adorable let's take a picture together to commemorate this wonderful night!"

We took approximately 15 pictures, and were dissatisfied with the quality of most of them. Finally I said: "OK! Turn away from each other and count to three. When we hit 3 turn together and smile!"
Ready?! One....Two....THREE!

That'll work.

2. Saturday, Chris and I went to the mall to pick out his birthday present from my parents:

then we met mom and dad for bowling. You know how I feel about bowling- if not, click here.
I still didn't bowl a perfect 300, but guess what?
Those 5 strikes in row? They belong to me!

No, really! They do! My final score was a freakin' 198....
You are not blind. You read that correct. I gave Chris the bowling name of "Rooster Cock" and myself "Cock's wife." I'm weird like that. I also gave my dad the name: "Uranus." He was doing so well at one point I said: "Uranus is on fire, dad!!" I know, you find me extremely classy. 

I even won two bowling pins for my extraordinary efforts!
That's a lie.
 I just asked if I could have a pin, and they said yes. I see great potential for these babies!

Not wanting the extraordinary afternoon to end we decided to go to dinner where we saw a little girl wearing a tiny hat:
 How cool is this? I waited until I could hardly stand it, and finally asked what the heck was up with the tiny sombrero on her head. Her mom said the girl bought it at a garage sale that morning and was quite pleased with herself. I said I could totally understand why!

We were inspired by fellow diner who ordered 4 Long Island Ice Teas at dinner, and decided to go home and make our own:

The following picture is an attempt at cat herding:

Hey everybody! Oh..nevermind.

3. Sunday, which happened to be my awesome, funny, and cool grandpa's birthday, we went back to my mom and dad's for breakfast and a day of football. Let me re-phrase that: CHRIS had a day of football. I spent most of the day in my mom's art room:

This is just a small glimpse into her world. 
She has every thing you could ever need to make great art.

I was testing out a pinterest idea....
and we began an art project for the lakehouse:
Remind me, and I'll show you the finished product!
A great thing about spending the day with your mom in her art room, is the fact that it's right next to the attic; and the attic is full of boxes of memorabilia from her childhood and teen years, like this cool Nebraska Cornhuskers cup:

But the real find of the day was in the bottom of a box filled with mom's old stuffed animals, a baby doll and letters from my dad when he lived in Hawaii:
My dad's letterman jacket, and my mom's cheer leading sweater (which I thought was pointless considering they lived in Southern California). They were high school sweet hearts, ya know.....

Some things never change. 

Well, some do:

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