Thursday, September 20, 2012


I made cheesy rice for dinner tonight. I am not really sure how much 1 serving is, but I do know I eat the rice I put on my plate..... and then take more bites straight from the sauce pan every time I walk by it until I decide to put it away.  That being said, I feel very full and am currently laying on the couch in stretchy pants. I've been laying here for awhile, on Chris' lap, and wanted to share my 360 degree view with you....

Hello, Christian. You are straight ahead of me and slightly amused at the television show.

Can you guess who is to my right?
You look very comfortable sitting on your perch! Right after I took this she left me for Chris' lap, obviously she doesn't like her picture taken when she hasn't fully brushed her fur.....

I have to REALLY turn my head to see this handsome view:

And to round out the 360 view:
Yes, that is a budweiser sign being displayed on our fireplace. 
Chris insisted it has to stay there during his birthday month.

 Chris asked what I was doing; and when I told him I was taking pictures of a 360 degree view, 
he said, ''Here, take a picture of this!":
and he plugged my nose.

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