Thursday, September 27, 2012

It's that time again!

I used to say I was strictly a 'summer person.' Winter was too cold, fall meant school was starting and spring was just wet and rainy....and I was still in school. Summer meant freedom, late nights and even later mornings. The possibilities for fun were endless, all you needed to worry about was your part-time job, and how far away the first day of school was.

 Now, as an adult in the 'real world',  I will hands down say the fall season is my absolute favorite. I remember those back-to-school blues I would have as a student, but I was forgetting that delicious feeling of  excitement walking into school with your summer tan and new clothes, looking for that crush from the year before (that would be you, Chris).  

The summer heat? No, thanks; give me sweatshirt weather every day for the rest of my life, and I'm set. Not to mention the smells of fall! Last year, I bought a TON of Bath and Body Works soaps in all my favorite smells: apple, cinnamon, cinnamon apple, pumpkin, cinnamon pumpkin, apple pumpkin, spice, cinnamon spice, apple spice, pumpkin spice (you get the picture). Fun fact: I NEVER changed these scents all year. If you washed your hands at my house in June...they smelled of Pumkin Spice.  

In honor of my favorite season, here's what I love about fall: 

1. The changing leaves:

See the leaves on the ground? 
Can't you just FEEL crisp, brisk air?

This tree is in my neighbor's yard, but I love the colors it proudly shows us each year.

2. Fall Festivals:

This is Chris and his family at Apple Butter Makin' Days (and yes, it's spelling makin' not making'), in Mt. Vernon. It's an annual tradition we go, and my mother-in-law would disown us if we didn't, but I wouldn't DREAM of missing of the delicacies you can buy is  frozen chocolate covered cheesecake- I go into a diabetic coma each fall from this treat.  

3. Birthday-palooza:

Fall is filled with birthdays of family members from my Grandpa (in early September), and Grandmere (in late september), to my love of my life, Chris, my brother Christian and my mother-in-law, Kelly:

Christian, on his 6th birthday, the dimples kill me.

My Grandmere's birthday last year. We hosted our own "Cocktails and Canvases" party. 

4. Of course, I can't bring up Fall without bringing up the sport that overtakes my every Sunday, and Monday, and Thursday (and that's just the NFL), FOOTBALL:


5. The return of sweater weather. It's not quite "jacket weather" but you would be better off to wear some sleeves, or your favorite hoodie.

It also doesn't hurt if you're really really really ridiculously good looking.

6. Halloween! Which means costumes! Can you tell I'm excited! By my exclamations!? I love every kind of costume: from little babies dressed as lions or mermaids, to a store bought power ranger suit. I even appreciate the girls who dress up by NOT dressing up, or make Alice in Wonderland look absolutely scandalous. No, really! I do! If  a girl can squeeze into those outfits AND brave the October chill, more power to her. I, however, opt for a different option:

The Hamburglar from old school McDonalds. 

7. I can now appreciate the Back to School feeling...even if it makes taking my squishy face baby brother to college (it's REALLY easy to appreciate back to school when you are NOT going back to school):

I miss you, Roo!

8.  Fall decorations make me happy. 

My friend, Amber, and I decorated this pumpkin for her front porch, last Friday. We spray painted the pumpkin black, once it dried, we put lace over it and spray painted gold.....turned out pretty darn awesome if you ask me!!

9.  I can't mention fall without talking about MY favorite thing: 

 ....and that is pie. 
This was my first attempt, homemade crust and all, but now that it's fall I can 'practice' making one every weekend in the name of perfection....right?! Yes? Good answer.

So even though this is officially over:

and this, unfortunately, is right around the corner:

We still have fall!

I gotta go guys, I'm running low on soap.

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