Monday, September 17, 2012


Chris is a tattoo virgin. Technically, I have 4. Three stars on my hip, and a heart with C.T. in the center for Chris, on my ankle. I've been telling him FOR YEARS how I think he'd look totally righteous with a tattoo or two, but he refuses to get one on a whim. It MUST mean something (which is wise, I suppose). I know my Grandmere is reading this right now, shaking her head and saying: "Don't pressure him, Jessica! He doesn't need any tattoos!". Too late, grandma, too late!

Anyways, we've often discussed what type of tattoo he should get. Once, he suggested a portrait of our dog, Betty, on his chest- which was immediately shot down (If you're getting a portrait of anybody it's gonna be ME, mister!) or the phrase "Thug life" written across his belly like Tupac...this was also immediately shot down.

Our niece came over last Monday. We found a pack of old temporary tattoos ( I think you can see where I'm going with this), and I said: "Sure, little 7 year old niece! Put a pink butterfly tattoo right on my hand!" The afternoon was spent deciding which ones we liked best, and where we should put a tattoo on her.

Now THIS is thug life...
As soon as she left, I turned to Chris and gave him a sly grin. He responded with: "You want to put a tattoo on me now don't you?" How does he know me so well!? I told him he was in luck, I found some manly Pirate tattoos:

What poor Chris didn't know, was that I recently ran into our friend, Tweety, and had been inspired by his tattoos:

Yes, I took this photo. Yes, that is a real person--he's actually quite awesome.
Yes, that is a bare chested woman on his right pec.
 Even though gravity has affected him, it obviously has not affected the woman!

The dude is legit. 

I started the tattoo application slowly, I didn't want to frighten Chris:
I apologize for the hairy chest, at least I cropped out the nipple! 
I think there has been enough nipples just in this post for the entire year, and if you come over I will supply you with bleach to cleanse your eyes.....

Feeling like Chris was in a good enough mood, I added a couple more to balance the sexy pirate wench:

I added the spider for some edge, but came to the conclusion that overall it was a little too girly.....

Now THIS is more like it!!

I started getting bored with the tedious work of cutting out the tattoo, and individually putting them on him with meticulous precision. It was about this time I became tired of the Pirate theme as well.
So I made a change:

Butterfly tattoos are always in fashion.
Let me add that he made me give him a good back scratching before I was allowed to apply the above frilly, pink and purple tattoos.

I thought I was being very clever and tricking Chris into being a good sport,
but this sweet face is hiding a sneaky idea of it's own...

And that's when I found out what he had in mind:

And my husband gave me a tramp stamp.

Oh well, it could have been worse....
he could have drawn one of Tweety's tattoo's on me:

Happy Monday!

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