Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Herding cats.....

I have always said that getting my family to move in one direction while in a group, or pose for a picture at the same time, is like herding cats. Everyone knows what the ultimate end goal is, but they will achieve it when they're ready or have nothing else catching their attention. As the bossy eldest, who likes when things are going according to MY plan, it can be extremely frustrating and annoying.

Here is an example of what I'm talking about so you can commiserate with me! I'm sitting at a table in the airport between my mom and dad. All I want is a simple picture of Chris, Andrew and Christian sitting across from me. The following attempt at cat herding is what occurred:

Ok! Hey guys, let me take a picture really quick!  
Chris you weren't ready, that's ok! Lean in there- I promise it will be real quick!

No! Dad! Don't talk to them, I just want a quick picture!

Well this is ok, but if you could just put your hand down REALLY quick Christian that would be great! You don't even have to smile! Just- NO MOM! Don't talk and distract them or else....

Aaaaand I've lost them.

I don't even know why I compare my family to herding cats, because I seriously doubt I could get them to do this:





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