Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Do you feel that breeze?

The other day, I was minding my own business looking through pictures.....

.....when I realized.......

.....well it was more a feeling than a realization.... whispered in my ears and rattled my bones....

...I heard: "Summer is coming! Summer is coming! Summer is coming!" and could practically feel the sun on my face, and the water from the lake splashing my skin.

At that moment, I knew exactly what was happening: change was inevitable and unavoidable....

Remember how I told you when the winds of change come blowing my way I follow them with reckless abandon?  The winds of change that told me to do this last December: 

Well it was them, the winds of change, reminding me that summer is near and my hair would much rather be a lighter shade. Who needs this dark stuff when the sun is shining so brightly?

So me and my ADD/ADHD walked (yes walked, my hairdresser lives 3 doors down) and said: 
"Who cares if it's only the beginning of March, and it's not even technically SPRING let alone SUMMER!? LET'S DO THIS

And then the winds of change, gave me this: 

See you at the lake!

P.S. Do you think these 'winds of change' talking to me could be brain swelling or tumors?!