Thursday, March 8, 2012

When you're....

I am not feeling my absolute best today. In fact, I felt so terrible I laid in bed ALL day, miserable. Now that I'm feeling better, I feel a bit guilty about laying in bed all day--but to be fair, I don't think I could have functioned properly in the adult world.

When you feel like I do, and your husband comes home looking hungry (not at you because you look like crap from laying in bed all day) for food, you do the only thing you can: send him to your mom's.

When you send your husband to eat at your parent's house, your mom finds out you're sick. When your mom finds out you're sick she sends you a care package. When your mom sends you a care package, it looks like this:

2 Diet Cokes, Homemade potato soup with cheese, 2 ice cream sandwiches & a bottle of Tylenol PM. 

I think I'm going to be ok. 
Thanks mom!


  1. OH Yvette is the BEST!!!! Hope you get better soooon love ya. *Kelli*

    1. Yes she is! Thanks Kel, the diet coke and ice cream sandwiches TOTALLY helped! :)
