Thursday, March 1, 2012

My quest

Ever since the internet informed me that I am seriously ADD/ADHD likely the world has made a little more sense, and I feel comfort in the fact that any dumb ideas, my messy house, or whacky moments can be blamed on ADD/ADHD.

I used to say:
"Whoops! Sorry I left the garage door open. I was looking for hammer to hang a picture when I thought the lawn mower should be moved, and right as I was moving it I found a quarter that I immediately went inside to put in my change jar and when I put it in the jar on my shelf I noticed the shelves were really dusty so I dusted them until I realized I had to go to the bathroom or I would explode. When I was in the bathroom I found the movie I was supposed to return yesterday so I got in my car and left to get something to eat."

Now, guilt-free, I say:
"It's not my fault! ADD/ADHD made me do it!!" It's quite liberating, you should try it.

That sneaky ADD/ADHD got me again today. 

I'm calling this adventure: 'The Case of the Missing glasses.'  Before I left for work I realized I was not wearing my spectacles, and went to the last place I could remember having them...basically anywhere. I have re-created my search for you with pictures so you have a better understanding.

I started in the living room: 
 Hello book shelf holding some of my favorite things, do you have my glasses?

Maybe I set them down on the old radio?
No, definitely not there. 

mmm.....maybe they are by the front door where I keep a bowl of Snickers...
Not there, and WHO ate all the Snickers? I just bought those!

Ok on to the bedroom, maybe on the dresser next to the t.v.?
Not here, and those shiny things are DEFINITELY NOT Snickers wrappers I just crumpled up and threw there....Ok fine they are- but ADD/ADHD made me do it!

Getting flustered I continued my search around the room: 
This picture of the bookcase, by my side of the bed, tells me 3 things: 
1) The glasses are not here
2) I need to take my drinking glasses to the kitchen.
3) That fan really needs a good cleaning.

The windowsill didn't tell me anything: 
I see my SUNglasses but no eye-glasses. You are of no help to me windowsill.

My last resort was the shelf in the bathroom. Sometimes I get in the shower with my glasses on, not realizing it until they fog up; and then I panic that I have developed some kind of immediate eye disease. 
Again, no luck.

Since I can see without my glasses (and ADD/ADHD was setting in, making me lose interest) I gave up my search, and went to work. 

A few minutes into work I remembered I had to pee.
 I walked into the bathroom and found my glasses.....

On my face.


  1. What are we going to do with you??????

    1. Hahah Feed me pizza and beer I guess! I heard that's the ONLY cure for ADD/ADHD.......
