Monday, March 5, 2012

You never know what you'll find....

My phone decided it no longer wanted to be a phone, but an inanimate object that would neither charge nor power up. When this occurs, one of two things can happen: 1) You fall in to a tail-spin of panic, depression and over-eating because you no longer have a phone and your communication to the outside world is shut off; or 2) your dad graciously lets you borrow his old phone until you get a new one. Fortunately, I fall into the 2 option. When you get your dad's old phone, you also get his contacts, alarms (6 am dad? NO!), and pictures.

I found some really great pictures; some I'd never even seen before, and they showcase my family's personality just beautifully. Oh my gosh, there was this one really crazy one that-- actually instead of telling you, let me show you:

You know it's going to be good when the first picture is of Andrew in a gorilla suit:

Just my dad....
......taking a picture with a statue of Mark Twain, like a boss.

This was in Colorado, last summer:
I wasn't there for this, but I think Andrew is yelling: "We're on top of a Mountain!!!!"

I found this very sweet photo of my parent's
Right next to a photo of this: 
The word 'poop' out of painter tape, compliments of Andrew. 

Speaking of Andrew, my little smooshy face,  I saw this: 
He is using the sign to let people know that apparently, the party is NOT at my parents house, 
but in his pants.

I think this picture represents every male who is forced, by his wife/girlfriend/mother/sister,  to go to IKEA:
IKEA should consider opening a bar at some point.

I found sweet pictures like this one of me and my brothers...
Obviously I didn't get the "wear a plaid, button up shirt" memo,
and mistakenly showed up to dinner in black.

Then I found pictures like this: 
My mom and her dog, Scout, each in their own Snuggie

I found a video of my dad dancing to his birthday song where my mom and I tried (and failed) to harmonize at the end:

Here's a picture of our friend, Carrie, at her 40th surprise birthday party...
My mom and I totally made that sweet sign.

I am trying to put a batman mask on Scout in this picture...
He's very photogenic. 

Speaking of my parent's animals; here is a picture of Penny, the gray cat, snuggling up to a taxidermied bobcat.....
Is that a bobcat snuggling with a gray cat? NOPE. Chuck Testa!
(If you have no idea who Chuck Testa is, you need to google him and watch his video right now)

And finally, I leave you with: 
An unexplainable picture of Christian and I wearing sombreros while I'm (what I can only assume) playing air guitar.



  1. I feel honored to be in Russ's phone!

    1. You're in there twice! The second one was when you were the big winner at the casino! Yay! :)
