Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Real life:

Yesterday I went with my mom and youngest (baby!) brother, Andrew, to his senior pictures session.  I am not ready for his senior year. I have determined that he is not old enough to be graduating and released into the wild, he needs to stay home and play board games with his big sis for the rest of his life (and let me hold him on my lap).

you're 12. you're 12. you're 12. you're 12. WHAT?! you're 18!?! Nahhh...you're 12.

I'm especially depressed because I vividly remember being 18, and if he's 18 that means I'm......OH GOD DON'T say it!! LATE 20's!! NOOOOO!!!!!!  When did that happen?!

I have a wonderful blog, with pictures and everything, to share his model session with you, but the longer I remain in denial that he is NOT taking senior pictures (or going to senior homecomings, taking senior classes, etc.) the longer it means it WON'T happen...right!?

In honor of my denial, I leave you with an email exchange between Chris and myself that happened last week because soon I will be sitting in my closet clutching Andrew's baby blanket, crying: 

Me: Do you have my wedding ring??? I set in on the bedside table last night and it's NOWHERE this morning. There is no way layla ate it is there???

Chris: I have no idea where it is.  I did not see it this morning.

Me: I am seriously freaked out that layla may have eaten it.

Chris: I doubt she would have eaten it off the night stand.  I don't know. I guess we can check her dumps. 

Who me?! I wouldn't eat your ring, momma!


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