Monday, November 7, 2011

Way back when.....

Chris and I will be celebrating 3 years of wedded bliss in a little over a month. This April we will have been together for TEN years-- I'm not that old, right?!

Who are those dashing and charming youngsters? Our prom, senior year.

 Chris tells me we met Freshman year of High School in English class, but I have no recollection of this and I. REMEMBER. EVERYTHING. (Let that be a warning to you....). Even though we knew of each other in High School and started 'dating' our senior year, we consider ourselves "college sweethearts." It's kind of fun growing up with someone, realizing you're best friends, then get married and still like each other.

*sigh. What a sweet picture....does my mouth look HUGE to anyone else?

 One night, after 4 months of dating, I casually asked Chris:

"Do you have any juicy secrets?" (If you know me well, then you know this question was not a ploy for attention but I really wanted to know if he did have any secrets).

"Uhhhh...No..... Well one, I guess. "

 "Oooooo!! You do?! Ok what is it?"

 "I think........I love you.......maybe."  (Who says "I love you" followed by a maybe?!)

 "*Scoff* WELL I LOVE YOU! I don't even have to add a maybe!"

"I do love you! I do! I just didn't know what you were going to say."

 And that, ladies and gentleman, was the start of this crazy ride. In honor of young love, I am posting my very first and very sweet love letter from Chris. He was about to leave for the summer to play baseball in Waterloo, Iowa and I was not very happy:  
 *And remember this is written by an 18 year old who has much better grammar/writing skills now*

Hey baby I love you and I already miss you. You are the only one that I have truly loved. I know you always ask me why I love you and I don't really have an answer, but I will try to explain. I realized after the first time we dated that you were special because I missed you a lot. I know I was a different person then but I still had a good heart. I then realized during last summer that you were a good girlfriend because you put up with me not calling you all the time and wanting to hang out with my friends. Once I really look at you and watch what you do I know there is no one else that can compare to you. You are one of the nicest people I have ever met, you are so outgoing which is the opposite from me so I think that is wonderful. I also feel like I do not and will not ever know anyone the way I know you.
This is probably going to be the hardest thing I have ever done. There are many reasons why this will be difficut, but you are the biggest. It wil be tough being away from my family but I have been away from them for at least a month before, and it wasn't that bad. Friends are another thing that will be hard to part from but that will probably be the easiest to get along without. You are the other hand. I know I will be lost without you. I haven't been a week without seeing you, so you are definitely the hardest thing I will have to part with.
Every time I look into your eyes I wish it was a few years later and we could be together everyday. I love you because you let me be who I am and I don't have to impress you. I also love kissing you, it could very well be my favorite thing to do. I can't really explain why I love you, but I do know that I feel it more than I could ever feel it with anyone. It also doesn't hurt that you are the most beautiful girl ever.
I know this letter is not very good, but I tried my best and I know it is good enough for you.  I will miss you more than I have ever missed anything. You are mine and you will be til the end. I hope you love this letter as much as I love you. I love you with all my heart.
Yours forever and always,


  1. Oh my!! That was such a good letter! No wonder you kept him around! Where did you go to high-school?

  2. I know! I don't know why I'm always shocked and surprised when I get a good letter! :) We went to Webb City! :)

  3. That's the sweetest thing ever!!! Nice job JT! (Justin Timberlake that is)LOL
