Monday, October 31, 2011

Last minute Halloween ideas......

I know many of you have had your Halloween costumes in the works for awhile now, and probably even celebrated your version of Halloween (which entails trick or treating at a bar in a costume you definitely would not wear to your grandma's house) last Saturday.

However, if you're like me (and were confused when stores started putting out their fall stuff the day after the 4th of July  and you thought that meant Halloween was sometime in August and didn't even start THINKING of a costume until last night at midnight after waking up from a candy-induced coma) then you need costume ideas and FAST! Luckily for you, I am here to help!

For inspiration I dug through old family photos. I was excited to find pictures of my old costumes because I remember feeling pretty darn cool. This is a false memory.

I decided to include other family members in the parade of costumes because let's face it, theirs are way cooler than mine. I mean, really:

How did my mother ever let me walk out of the house dressed as a clown?  How did I have any friends?!
Clearly I was super psyched and singing: "I'm a cloooowwwwwnnn!"

You know, a cowboy is always a good stand-by:
Howdy ya'll!! 
Sadly, I don't think this was a Halloween costume for dad, but real life attire.

Apparently I was a Tiger at some point in my life:
If you are an adult and want to wear this, I suggest excluding the bib as part of the costume....

Pshhh! Forget Halloween! I'd wear this around the house and running errands! 
I would totally wash the dishes EVERY day if I was rockin' this look:

Turtle in a half shell, TURTLE POWER! 

There are some of you, like Andrew, who prefer a more traditional costume like Zorro....
or is it Puss-n-boots now?

I was wrapped as present for a Christmas musical I was in, not Halloween but still....
I think Justin Timberlake stole his "(insert naughty word) in a box" idea from me....

You could take the route my dad did, and go as "Cat in the Hat"....
I'm just afraid you'll scare all the neighborhood children, or yourself if you look in the mirror too quickly forgetting your costume. Even Mr. Bones got in on the Halloween spirit dressed as "afro-skele-zorro."

I don't understand how a cute little boy, dressed as Dinosaur,

Could grow up and dress like this:

Pink Hair optional of course.

I'm sure my mom thinks the same thing when she sees this cute little poodle skirted gal
All grown up.....
 .....dressed as the Hamburglar from McDonald's
and married to this guy:
"Sweep the leg"

The bad guy from 'Karate Kid.'

I'm sorry to say that while the costumes above may have provided you with entertainment more than inspiration, I leave you with a costume that will forever go down as one of the greats. It resides in the "Halloween Costume Hall of Fame*" and will catapult you into greatness should you choose to wear it:

That's right:
Elvis Presley.
Hunka Hunka Burning love, baby


*a made up place that exists only in my mind.