Thursday, October 27, 2011

It's that time of the year again!!

Last year I was assistant coach to my brother-in-law, Jackson, Jr. High girl's basketball team for our local school. Since I was am such an awesome basketball player I have much to pass on to these young grasshoppers, and it's very gratifying.

The face of a fierce baller in the 4th grade.

What's that you ask? What's the best part of coaching? The very best part? Good question reader! Well, I could say being a part of a young person's life, helping girls build their self-esteem, feeling a part of the community, or passing the love and tradition of basketball onto a younger generation (and those are all very very true), but I gotta say, my favorite part of coaching is.....the whistle.

Yes, the whistle!! Since I've only been a player and never a coach, I didn't know the true joy of "whistling." There is something very satisfying in making that little 'chirp' sound. I actually use the whistle sparingly during practice, but I love it so much I wear it during the day and use it in everyday situations.

 My new best friend, whistly.'

For example, I just got home from practice and opened the door to our house. I didn't see Chris or the pups anywhere so I gave the whistle a hearty "chhiiirrrrrrrrp" and Chris said: "In here!" See how great that is? I didn't have to shout or search the house!

I've also chirped at Layla when she's running across the street, Betty when she was sniffing around the trash and chirped along to music when I'm at my office-alone. I really find it therapeutic which brings me to my next point: ROAD RAGE.

If you know me very well then you probably have learned your lesson and NEVER want to ride with me. I'm not a bad driver, really I'm not! However, I do get really super beyond flippin' peeeeved and frustrated while driving (ESPECIALLY when I'm behind a Kansas driver). Using my whistle instead of my horn (or my angry words, shaking fists, or fingers) has allowed me to express my apoplectic rage at inept drivers in a manner more becoming of a lady. 

   She is not exemplifying appropriate driving behavior.

Leave your blinker on for 3 miles and going slow so I never know when you're actually turning?
"Chirp Chirp Chirp!"

Slow down at green to yellow light and make me miss it? I just give them a little:

Pull out in front of me and go 10 miles per hour when there are NO cars behind me for miles?


Cut me off in traffic?
"Chirp! Chhhiiirrrrrrp! Chirrp! Sorry sack of Chirrrrrrrrrp!!!!!! You motha' Chirp! Why I oughta CHIRP!"

See? It's most effective, and only one person has stared in shock at me for giving them a sharp whistle and I'm sure it made them realize their careless mistake!

If you suffer from road rage, getting your kid's attention, annoyance with your favorite sport's team or even just want to feel better, I highly recommend you purchase your own whistle......

.....Because you most definitely CANNOT have mine!

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