Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Just call me Marty,...

I consider myself quite the connoisseur on a few things: Pizza, Disney, funny internet videos and Time Travel movies. A text to Chris last September:

"Btw I forgot to tell you I watched: 'time cop' with Jean Claude Van Damme yesterday. It was mediocre to poor as far as a time travel movie goes...Completely implausible because technically by going back and saving his family he should have created an alternate reality not just stepped into his 'new life' Pathetic! I now will watch every time travel movie and judge it on a scale of 1-10. Time Cop gets a 4." 

I also particularly enjoy movies/books when the main characters have to swap bodies (literally placing them in the other person's shoes) to learn a lesson. Classic example, Freaky Friday:

Yes I love the re-make instead of the original,
  AND despite all of this mess: 

I still REALLY REALLY REALLY love Lindsay Lohan. Sad I know. Don't do drugs, kids.

I think the slight (ok fine, major) Time Travel obsession started as a freshman in college with this little known 1970's novel (#4 on Amazon's  top 25 books of Time Travel-no big deal).  

**Side note: I just realized I have such a reverence and fascination with Time Travel I've been incorrectly capitalizing Time Travel like it's a proper noun since the beginning of this blog.**

Buy it. Love it. Live it. You won't regret it.

As far as Time Travel movies go there is one movie that is so glorious and has achieved such pure perfection it gets a 10; therefore, all other Time Travel movies are compared to it: 
                                                          BACK TO THE FUTURE
                    I own the 3 disc collector's set but still watch it every time it's on t.v.
Every. Single. Time.

I like the idea of someone given a second chance (or in Marty's case, a chance) to change an event in their past for a better future. I'm all about the redemption and making things right. It's even better when they have to go to an unfamiliar place and try avoid certain calamity (like your mom having a crush and hitting on you-constantly).

We had NO idea when we went to Branson last weekend we'd be Time Travelers, but we were and it was magnificent. Time Travel movies/books all have a machine to transport the person to the past (or future). A Delorean. A hot tub. A cop car. Spaceship, etc.

Our Time Traveling vessel:
A tram.

Unsuspecting Time Travelers:

Ahhhh!! What a beautiful day here in 188- WAIT. WHAT?!
This can't be right....

After a quick walk around, Chris determined that we did in fact, Time Travel. 
Being the Time Traveling expert that I am, I was no longer frightened, and I chose to enjoy the day rather than have a panic attack.

Me: Oh! Oh! Oh! A school! Go stand in front of it and do something teacher-y!
Chris: Like what?!  
Me: I don't know! Just be a teacher!
Chris: ....uhhhh.......Like this?
Me: Nevermind.

We got to watch this old timer make bats and rolling pins. I told Chris I don't think people make those that way in 2011 so we were lucky to witness it.

I even spun the Wheel of Fortune.
It was eerily on point: "Never drive faster than your guardian angel can fly" Shut up Wheel of Fortune what do you know? You're from 1881!
          As quaint and charming as this 1881 city is, it's surprisingly progressive (and expensive):

                                             What the What?! A little risque for this era!

                                     Ocean treasures for $1.99? And we didn't even see an ocean?

There was also these crazy metal contraptions the people rode on, kind of like our modern-day roller coasters:
                        These swings took us up in the air and went round and round- just incredible!

 Unfortunately, our Time Travel day did have to end (Chiefs were playing).
We made our way back to our glamorous Time Travel machine-tram and jetted off into the future.......

Even though I didn't really have a chance to change anything in my past to effect my future like a true movie Time Traveler, I was just grateful I didn't come back looking like this:

Poor Lindsay,
 I bet she'd really like to go "Back to the Future" right about now!

1 comment:

  1. BABABABABABBA guys...........this is about time travel!!!!

    Oh....never mind
