Thursday, February 2, 2012

In honor of Puxatawny Phil.....

One of my favorite movies of all time is "Groundhog Day," I love it. Maybe because it has elements of Time Travel? You know how I feel about the awesomeness that is Time Travel....

I watch this movie EVERY time it comes on T.V.  Anyways, we went to dinner with our good friend Jordan tonight (post coming later) and came home to this cinematic perfection on T.V. If you haven't seen it, stop reading this and go rent it RIGHT NOW!

 In case you have no idea what I'm talking about: Rude weatherman, Phil Connors, is stuck in his own personal hell re-living the same day (groundhog's day) over and over and over. Thus, getting into all kinds of shenanigans, finding true-love and learning about himself. 

 We were watching this and reveling in ALL the things he gets to do while re-living the same day over and over. Pretty soon curiosity got the best of Jordan, and this conversation happened: 

Jordan: "How long was he actually living the same day over and over?!"
Chris (thoughtful): "Man I don't know. It had to be a few years....
Me: "Yeah he DID master the piano."
Chris: "....AND saved that kid from falling out the tree everyday, OH! and save that guy from choking...."
Me: "And he mastered French! And knew everything about all the people in the town..."
Chris: "AND he learned how to carve ice with a chainsaw....and remember he became an expert  throwing cards in a hat!..."
Jordan (REALLY wanting to know how long he was there): SO he was there a LONG time then!!
Me (after looking it up quickly and shocked): 10 YEARS! He was there 10 YEARS!!
Chris (not suprised): "Yeah I figured something like that."
Jordan (angry and NOT liking this movie anymore): WHAT!? 10 YEARS? THAT IS TERRIBLE!  THIS MOVIE SUCKS!!
Chris(angry as well): "Yeah! Poor guy! He was probably miserable, I feel bad for him now!"

 So that being said,.....


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