Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Say Cheese!

One of the great things about going to High School with Chris is being able to share memories, "Hey, I remember when that happened" or actually get to the bottom of a story, "Explain to me in detail why you guys decided to drive by the police station for hours then prank call them saying a mysterious vehicle was circling the police station?"
Chris' doesn't really ask me anything about High School, other than to say: "What the hell did you see in that guy?"

We found our old year books in his parent's garage, which is always fun. Fortunately, I am not one to be humiliated, but I did notice some interesting things: 

Hello friends, what strange memory are you going to bring up that I buried long ago? Oh,  just that we're still rockin' it and  totally living like bosses? Duh.

Freshman Year:
Clearly this was before Chi irons were invented...and invisalign. That is mouth FULL of metal.

Awwww! Honey, your weird haircut, odd head position and non-smile makes you look like a sweet lost little muffin! I wuv you! That's ok, you'll always have next year's photo to really show off your baby blue eyes, cute smile, great lips and...

You let them give you ANOTHER mohawk hair-cut?! I guess that's ok, maybe you didn't remember it was picture day. And you know I'm nothing but a picture-perfect fashionista:

Ok it's now Junior year, let's kick it up a notch:
Not too bad...what are you working with Chris? 
I know you probably took this year's picture very seriously, smiled your best,  and you most definitely....

I'm beginning to see a pattern here. Maybe all boys don't take their yearbook photo seriously? Let's not forget my smooshy faced brother, Andrew, senior yearbook picture.

Speaking of senior photos, let's see if we can get it right:
Have I told you I was voted "most photogenic" my senior year? That means "most pretty"...not really, but that's what I tell myself anyways when I feel fat.

OK CHRIS. This is your last chance to make your momma proud....

There he is!  What a GREAT picture, honey!

 Although I gotta say, now that I'm thinking about it, those first three weren't so bad. Yearbook photos are silly anyways...both of us should have really smiled like this:

Now THIS is a framer...

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