Thursday, October 4, 2012


A few weeks back Chris, Christian, and I had a lengthy in-depth conversation about twitter, and what the # symbol means. I'm sure you've seen it, you'll be watching your favorite t.v. show when all of a sudden a "#modernfamily" thing will randomly pop up on the screen. If you don't understand what twitter is (hi mom!) or what a # means, don't worry...I'm not going to try to explain it. When I tried to explain it to tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumbass, it was way over their heads: "I still don't get it"   "Yeah, soooo it's a number sign but not for numbers?"  "potato".

The whole point of that story, besides wanting to call Chris and Christian tweedle-dee and tweedle-dumbass, was to say, every Thursday my facebook newsfeed is filled with #TBT,  and an old picture of the person. I finally asked my friend, Mackenzie, what the heck I was missing out on that was making me feel really uncool and old. She explained it meant "Throw Back Thursday" and you post an old pic of yourself or someone else you know from way back when. I got excited because I love to drag out old pictures, and then I got unexcited because I realized I could throw wayyyy back, like 1984 back.

Still I've decided to participate, sibling style, because if you're going to feel old and embarrassed,  why not drag your siblings along with you?

Chris and I before prom, 2002

 Christian, circa 2004. I don't even think he could drive yet, love the metal mouth, and the hair.

 Andrew, 2006. 
Yes, I made him that crown, and insisted he wear it....this was when he was still obliging.
Smooshy face! Take online classes, and move back home!!

 Hey! That #Throw Back Thursday wasn't too bad, you should try it!

 And even though #TBT may not be so kind as you get older, just remember: there is always someone older than you.....

Hey you're a sibling too Sister-in-law!
Chris and his sister, Amanda, 2001.

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