Thursday, April 4, 2013

When I was young....

When you are young, you get the luxury of living a relatively burdened free life. The dramas and challenges that rule your universe, while huge and in your face at the moment, become a bit trivial when you get to "grow up" a few short years later- faced with big bills, relationships that require a lot of work (and pride swallowing), and a job you might hate waking up for everyday. 

When you are young, even death seems like a far off thunderstorm. You see it looming ahead, its ominous dark blustery clouds swirling menacing in their fierceness, but it's so far away- why be concerned about it now? Sure, you may have the death of a grandparent and, although sad and life-altering, it might be expected. Friends and relatives will say: "Oh they lived such a life! How lucky they had a family that loved them with grandchildren and great grandchildren!"

When you are young, such sayings mean little to you because YOU are the one living your life at that moment, and you're comfortable with the fact that the deceased lived to an "old age."  You have not met the hard, often cold truth the world likes to smack you in the face with occasionally.

The truth is that life is two sides of the same coin: spectacularly beautiful yet unfairly cruel.

When you are young, you hold the world by the tail. Strong in body, overwhelmingly optimistic in spirit and powerful in the mind, there isn't much you can't do.

When you are young, you absurdly think love is easy. What is so hard about the concept of "I love you and you love me"?  It's as simple as that, right?

When you are young, exciting life experiences are expected. The hard stuff will come later you're sure, but for now the unfair cruelty hasn't showed it's ugly self. You still get to be young and carefree ...... so let the good times roll:

When you are young, life may knock you around and you feel some pain, but you get back up quickly....why? 

Because you're young that's what you do.

Then time, as it often does, moves swiftly and without your permission.
 Life begins to show you how unfair it really can be...........

....but certain truths become illuminated to you. 

The beauty of life, the other side of the coin, is ever present even if buried underneath the brutality. 

The beautiful truth that authentic friendship never leaves, regardless of distance:


The humbling truth that there is no support system like that of your family:



The gorgeous and hopeful truth that true love really does exist:

You learn the often overlooked truth that real heroes come in many different packages.

 Heroes are heroes even if they are small....

Or furry.....

..... or beautiful....

....or the strongest, toughest person you've ever met...

But the great thing about the hero in this story is 
even his unfair and cruel death......

you learn he still wins. 


  1. wow....... beautifully put. Now you made me cry.

  2. Certainly made me cry.... love and prayers to all who knew Nolan and shared in his brief but so special life. May God Bless you all...The skies have a new angel and the heavens a star to shine brightly upon those Nolan left behind...

  3. Such a touching and wonderful love story in both words and pictures. Nolan does indeed win as he was surrounded by his loved ones through a hard and treacherous journey. NOLANWINS

    Donna Libbey


  5. Beautiful story. Beautiful people. Prayers are with you all.
