Sunday, July 15, 2012

Countdown to Paradise, or not:

Hotel Paradisus

 You may not know this, but we are leaving the country in 2 days for Punta Cana in the Dominican Republic. Yup, we're going on a vacation with the fam. This vacation has been in the works for awhile now, we got a travel agent and everything.

 **Side note: Our agent's first name was Don, short for Donahue (Don-a-hew), but for some reason my dad got it in his mind that it was pronounced Don-a-hoe. So every time he'd communicate with the agent he'd tell me: "I talked to the Don-a-hoe guy today and he said..." It amused me greatly that someone would be name Don-a-hoe.**

We booked the trip in March, and have been counting down the days ever since. Now that it's so close, I wrote a to-do list, on my trusted dry erase board, of things to get done:

I can say with satisfaction that most of the laundry is done: 
It was a lot worse than this...

The rooms are mostly clean: 

 I still have to tackle this beast of a master bedroom:
Wish me luck.....

I even cleaned the kitchen:
....which Chris immediately messed up when he decided to cook potatoes. 

 I finished the Doggy Do's and Don'ts for Molly, who is puppy/house sitting for us (Hi Molly, thanks!): 
The pups have no idea what's about to happen to them.

There is just one *teensy*weensie*tiny*little thing that I have yet to get before we leave the country in TWO days. What is it? I'll give you a clue: It's a small blue book that is required for entries and exits between countries. If you guessed a passport, you're correct.

Chris, of course, didn't have to change his name after we got married; or get a new passport which involved getting a new picture, sending in $110, and the necessary paperwork. 

Nope, Mr. Happy pants just has to pull it out of the drawer and show up to the airport on time:

Hi, Honey! Your smile seems a little smug to me!

If I seem slightly bitter it's because I've been waking up at 2:30AM for the past 3 weeks due to stress. I rarely let things get to me, or get me freaked out and stressed out so much I can't sleep. But about 2 and 1/2 weeks ago I got a letter in the mail saying the marriage license I sent in was not certified.

So Chris went and got an 'official-certified-oh dear God please let this work or we can't go to the Dominican Republic' marriage certificate, and we over-nighted it back to the passport jerks and waited....and waited...and waited. I called and paid Seventy-two bucks to have my paperwork expedited, THEN I called every single day to find out when I could expect my passport I tried to impress upon them that we were leaving in less than two weeks and I REALLY needed that passport.

Finally, in an act of desperation, I called the great state of Missouri's senator, Roy Blunt, and was disappointed to discover I wouldn't actually be talking to him but his office workers. However, they assured me with the upmost confidence I would receive my passport.  I spent last week nursing an ulcer, drinking one to many glasses of wine and waking up at 2:30AM on the dot every. single. night.

Then, Friday morning,  I received the most blessed news: I had a tracking number.
I tracked the number, and learned my passport was already in Joplin- set to arrive tomorrow:

If you thought Saturday was windy, it was probably me breathing the biggest sigh relief EVER breathed. And guess what? Last night, I had the BEST night sleep EVER slept; and I probably looked like this:


  1. oh.......I know the stress you have been going through with a passport!!!! No fun at all!!! Mine somehow got lost in the mail, and there was no tracking number on it. I received mine at 2am and was flying out at 8am. The night before I was suppose to leave, the Springfield post office called, they had found my mom and aunt drove to Springfield to get it, and then my other aunt picked it up from them and drove it to me in Tulsa. So.....I received my 6 hours before catching my flight.....very stressful.

    There was no way I was being left at home, when all my friends were going to the British Virgin Islands!!!!

    1. You so definitely know what I was going through!! I cannot believe that about yours, how were you not crying tears of hysteria?! I was starting to pity myself for not being able to enjoy the Dominican Republic, but I'm glad it did work out!! :)
